Using URL Patterns

How to use URL Pattern matching to define conversions in SpeedCurve.

[Supported in SpeedCurve RUM only]

Use URL Patterns to avoid making changes to your application when tracking conversions. Additions and changes to URL Patterns are reflected in SpeedCurve in a matter of minutes.

Defining Conversions using URL Patterns

Step 1

To get started, after clicking on 'Add Conversion', select the URL Pattern option and click 'Next'.

Step 2

Enter the name of the conversion that will be included in your charts and dashboards.

Next, enter a url pattern for the url of the page you want to represent the conversion.

URL patterns support the wildcard (*) which can be used in any part of the URL (pathname, domain, subdomain), some examples:

  • Pathname: e.g. /checkout/* will match all domains and subdomains having the /checkout/* pattern in the URL
  • Domain rule:* will match only URLs including /checkout/orderconfirmation* in the pathname
  • Subdomain rule: ** will match any URL of any subdomain of

For example, /orderconfirmation* URL rule will match all order confirmation pages in all RUM domains e.g.*,*,

Things to note:

  • URL rule must have at least one slash (/)
  • Query string is ignored in URL patterns

Step 3

After clicking 'Save', you will be returned to the Custom Data settings page and see your new conversion in the list.