Add and edit users, admins, and teams

You can add as many users and teams as you'd like to your SpeedCurve account.

About users

There are three user permission levels:

  • Org Admin – View and edit any team and all its associated settings; add teams; allocate quota for Synthetic checks and RUM pageviews; add more org admins, team admins, and users; see company-wide usage data
  • Team Admin – View each team you've been added to; edit team test settings and run tests; add more team admins
  • User – View any team you've been added to

About teams

Teams are really useful when you're a large organization and you have multiple teams working on different web properties, or you're an agency and you have multiple clients and you want to set up a new set of dashboards for each one of those clients and control access permissions across those different teams as well.

Team data is completely siloed, so it's important to know that you cannot access or compare data across teams.

Manage users

Add an Org Admin

You must be an Org Admin to add other Org Admins. You'll know if you're an Org Admin if "Admin" is in the admin menu in the bottom-left corner of the nav.

  1. Click on Admin > Admins. This will take you to a page that contains a list of your current org admins.
  2. Click the green "Invite a New Admin" button and follow the prompts.

Add a Team Admin or User

  1. Use the menu in the bottom-left corner of the nav and click on Team.
  2. Click on "Users" to see all the users for that team, as well as their current permission level.
  3. Click the green "Invite a New Person" button and follow the prompts to invite them and set their permission level.

Delete admins and users

  • To delete an admin, go to Admin > Admins, and click on the username. Then click the red "Remove Admin" button.
  • To delete other users, go to Team > Users, and click on the username. Then click the red "Remove User" button.

Delete or resend user invitation

  • To delete an invite sent to an admin, go to Admin > Admins, and click on the username. Then click the red "Delete invite" button. To resend the invite, click the blue "Resend invite" button.

Manage teams

Add and edit teams

Only Org Admins can add and edit teams. To do this, go to Admin > Teams. There you'll see a list of teams (or just one team, if you're just getting started with SpeedCurve).

Edit a team

To edit team information such as team name, team URL snippet, timezone, and checks/month quota – click on the team name. (Note that if you only have one team in your account and want to change the URL snippet, you need to do that on your Billing page.)

Add a team

To add a new team, just hit the green "Add a New Team" button and follow the prompts.

IMPORTANT: You can only add a new team if you have unused checks available. Please see below snippet for more info.


"No quota left" message

In order to create a new team, you need to have a minimum available synthetic quota of 91 checks (number of checks required for testing one URL for a month).

If you're seeing a message that says "No quota left", that means you need to free up some checks by editing the checks quota in your other teams, or increasing your organisation checks quota.

For example, if organisation quota is 5,000 checks and you have one team that uses 4,950 checks, you will not be able to create a new team (5,000 - 4,950 = 50 available checks, which is less than required). You can free up some checks by decreasing your existing team quota from 4,950 to 4,900 checks. Then you will have 100 unused checks and will be able to create a new team.

Edit checks quota

You can adjust your checks usage across your teams at any time to suit your testing needs. It's also important to know that if you add more synthetic checks to your plan, you then need to allocate them to the team(s) you wish to use them for.

To edit/allocate checks to teams:

  1. Go to Admin > Teams
  2. Click on the team name
  3. Edit the checks quota for that team
  4. Save

Deleting a team

If you want to permanently remove a team, you can do this by clicking the Delete Team link in the bottom right of a teams page.

Deleting a team will delete all data associated with the team and is irreversible!