A/B testing (synthetic)
How to benchmark URL variations against each other, including testing the same page with and without third parties such as ads.
SpeedCurve is designed to make it easy to benchmark not only your site vs a competitor's, but also variations of your own URLs. For example you might want to test your site with ads turned on vs ads turned off. This sort of testing is usually referred to as A/B testing or MVT (multivariate testing).
The best way to do A/B testing with SpeedCurve is to create a site for each variant, rather than having duplicate URLs within the same site.
URLs must be unique within each site, which can make it tricky to manage variations of the same URL. You can do it using a synthetic test script to change the actual URL tested, but it's easier to manage with multiple sites.
For example, add one site called "Site" and the other "Site no ads". Then within each site you would add the same URL and use a script or query parameter to turn off the ads in the "Site no ads" site.

Configuring variants
If both the URLs are given the same label, for example 'Home', then you'll be able to compare the sites and URLs easily on the Benchmark dashboard. You'll get filmstrips of each variation right next to each other and assets comparison charts showing you exactly what's different between each variation.

Comparing two variants
Updated over 1 year ago