API updates and bug fixes. Dates are in UTC time zone.

May 15, 2024

New features

  • The test object now has corresponding site_id and url_id. The test object is returned by endpoints such as Test index, Test details, Site index with median parameter.

May 12, 2024

New features

  • New INP attribution and subparts metrics has been added to the CSV file in Export RUM Data endpoint: inp_element_selector, inp_start_time, inp_input_delay, inp_processing_time, inp_presentation_delay

April 9, 2024

New features

  • Deploy now can return a new status failed, affected endpoints: Get a deploy. Please see "Bug fixes" section for explanation.

Bug fixes

Before the bug status could be one of the following: pending, running, completed, completed, but one or more tests failed.

The bug has been introduced around December 5, 2023, when status started to return new values: pending, running, completed, completed_with_failures, failed.

Today's patch restored status to previous values plus failed.

Possible status values now are: pending, running, completed, completed, but one or more tests failed, failed.

March 18, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fix Budgets endpoint not returning any data on page 1 when deploy_idis provided (only accounts with 300+ budgets affected by this bug).

January 30, 2024

New features

  • Get site settings endpoint now returns additional data: script for URLs and test times for the site.

January 11, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fix Budgets endpoint returning wrong deploy ID in budgets crossings.

January 9, 2024

New features

  • Deploys index endpoint now supports pagination and date range via start_timestamp and end_timestampparameters. See endpoint documentation for full list of supported query parameters.

Bug fixes

  • Fix Budgets endpoint returning 404 error "Unknown deploy_id specified." when deploy_id is present (the bug was introduced on December 5 and affected SpeedCurve CLI users)

December 5, 2023

Data migration to support new deployment entity internally for CI/CD improvements and deployment dashboard update. This migration caused regeneration of some previously created deploy IDs.

September 28, 2023

New features

September 18, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fix Budgets endpoint returning unknown status for deploys that are older than 3 days
  • Fix Budgets endpoint returning unknown status for most recent deploy when deploy_id is present

August 24, 2023

New features