WARNING Using this endpoint in replace mode is no longer supported.


Will soon be removed

This endpoint will soon be replaced so we don't recommend using it. It has been more buggy than we would like, so it is being replaced in favour of interacting directly with other object-based endpoints like /sites and /urls to make changes to your settings. If there's something you're trying to update and there's a missing endpoint just contact support and give us a hurry up.


You can update the settings in your account/team by importing JSON settings.

The JSON schema below shows the required object which you can use to add new sites, browsers, regions and test times or update existing URLs.

Using this endpoint you can keep all your settings in version control or programmatically update specific URLs as often as you like.

Please note the size of JSON payload you can send is restricted to 1MB.

Common HTTP response statuses and their reasons:

  • 400 - validation problems (malformed or over-sized JSON)
  • 500 - logic errors or account restrictions in imported settings (wrong site category, adding new sites with number of checks bringing account over its checks budget, no testing regions specified etc.)
  • 503 - timeout, it's recommended to split your JSON to batches 30 sites or less

JSON settings object

Settings for region, browsers and times can be defined for each individual site or they can be defined at the Team level and then each site will inherit the settings.

We merge sites based on so you can add URLs to existing sites but all the settings – like browsers, regions, etc. – are replaced by whatever is in the JSON.

"url_to_update" is only needed if you are wanting to change an existing URL while keeping its existing history. "url_to_update" is the old existing URL and "url" is the URL you want to change to.

We recommend starting with an export of your settings so you can review the current JSON settings object for your team.

  "teams": [
      "team": "",
      "sites": [
          "site": "",
          "urls": [
              "url": "",
              "url_to_update": "", // optional, updates an existing URL preserving it's history.
              "label": "", // optional
              "username": "", // optional
              "password": "", // optional
              "script": "" // optional
            "regions": ["Germany"], // optional
            "browsers": ["Chrome"], // optional
            "times": ["09:05"] // optional
          }, // optional
          "category": "Web Services & Applications" // optional
      "num_checks": 3,
      "timezone": "Pacific/Auckland",
        "regions": ["Germany"],
        "browsers": ["Firefox"],
        "times": [""]
      } // optional

For browsers you can also define a custom browser if needed:

  "name": "",
  "browser": "Firefox",
      "width": ,
      "height": ,
      "devicePixelRatio":  // optional
  "bandwidthUp_KBps": ,
  "bandwidthDown_KBps": ,
  "latency_Ms": ,
  "throttleCpu": 0
  "packetLossRate_Percent": , // optional
  "userAgent": "" // optional
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!