Add a set of tests for one or multiple sites, or custom URL(s)


This endpoint can be used to:

Snapshot vs deploy

Snapshot is a set of on-demand tests of your website or custom URLs, submitted at the same time.

Deployment (or deploy) is a way to group and add extra information to your snapshots (e.g. name and description), for example, to mark a new version of your code (deployment marks will be present in your charts in SpeedCurve and are supposed to help you to track any performance changes).

There is one-to-one relationship between a site and a snapshot, and a one-to-many relationship between a deploy and a snapshot. Therefore, a deploy can have multiple snapshots each of which might be linked to a site.

Adhoc testing

You can initiate Adhoc (custom URL) testing using this endpoint by omitting sites parameter and passing the following adhoc settings (that become required if sites is not present):

  • urls(array of objects): list of URLs you would like to test
  • regions(array of objects): list of regions (locations) to run adhoc tests from. Use Region ID from this list to pass as region_id. You can use private region ID if you have one.
  • test_profiles(array of objects): list of test profiles (browsers), including custom profiles. Use browser name from your settings page to pass as name parameter, for example Desktop Slow. Default test profiles

Please see examples of JSON body for adhoc testing below.

Example JSON requests

Single site testing

Start on-demand testing of individual site (with the test settings used for scheduled testing of the site)

    "sites": [
            "site_id": 123

Single site deployment

Add a deployment for a site

  "sites": [
      "site_id": 123
  "deploy": {
    "name": "Update React to v18.2.0"

Multiple sites testing

Start an on-demand testing of multiple sites. This will create a separate snapshot for each site

    "sites": [
            "site_id": 123
            "site_id": 456

Adhoc testing

Start an adhoc test for one or more custom URLs, regions and test profiles. Optionally specify synthetic test script and HTTP Basic auth credentials for the URL(s).

    "urls": [
            "url": "",
            "script": null,
                "username": null,
                "password": null
    "regions": [
            "region_id": "ap-southeast-1"
    "test_profiles": [
            "name": "Firefox"
            "name": "Chrome Beta"

Adhoc deployment

Pass optional deployobject to create a deployment for this round of adhoc tests. Might be useful to track your deployments if you use CI/CD process to trigger adhoc performance testing.

    "urls": [
            "url": "",
            "url": ""
    "regions": [
            "region_id": "ap-southeast-1"
    "test_profiles": [
            "name": "Desktop Slow"
            "name": "Mobile Medium"
    "deploy": {
        "name": "v130",
      	"description": "Commit f0fda58630310a6dd91a7d8f0a4ceda2"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!