
Synthetic: New browser test profiles


We've introduced new "evergreen" browsers.

BrowserNetworkViewportDisplay DensityCPU Slow Down Factor
Desktop FastWifi Fast1366 x 7681X0
Desktop SlowWifi Slow1366 x 7681x0
Mobile FastMobile 4G Fast390 x 6632X0
Mobile MediumMobile 4G Fast390 x 6632X2
Mobile SlowMobile 4G Slow390 x 6632X3

These profiles don't reference specific emulated hardware eg. "iPhone 15" or a particular browser like "Chrome" or "Firefox". They are designed to be a great place to start your web performance testing and provide long-lived profiles with names that don't age. We will periodically update these profiles as web performance trends change.

We encourage you to switch your existing testing to these new browsers. You can also recreate any of the old browser profiles if you need them by adding a Custom Browser and referencing the old emulated devices.