
RUM update: new ways to filter data

1 September 2024

We've added two new ways to filter your RUM data: delivery type and geographical region.

Delivery Type

The delivery type of a page indicates how it was delivered to the browser. Right now there are 3 possible values: Cache, Navigational Prefetch, and Other. Pages that have a Cache delivery type were delivered from the browser's cache, which means the browser did not make a network request for that page. Pages with a Navigational Prefetch delivery type came from the in-memory cache via the Speculation Rules API . The Other delivery type is when none of the other delivery types applies.

Note that delivery type is only supported in Chromium-based browsers.

Geographical region

SpeedCurve RUM now records users' geographic region, also known as country subdivision. This enables you to dive deeper into how your users are spread around the world. Right now region data is only available on select dashboards, but it will be available more widely soon.

Split metrics by region

In the RUM Performance dashboard, you can split Web Vitals metrics by region.

Find regions with the most traffic

On the RUM Sessions dashboard, applying a country filter to the dashboard will show you the most popular regions in that country.