RUM update: lux.js v302

10 October 2022 (UTC)

New features

  • Page groups (LUX.label) can now be configured with URL pattern matching.


  • The start time of user timing measures is now recorded. In previous versions of lux.js only the duration was recorded.

Bug fixes

  • LUX.mark() and LUX.measure() are now fully compatible with their native counterparts performance.mark() and performance.measure(). In previous versions of lux.js these functions did not support an options object as the second parameter.
  • Interaction element attribution for elements with the data-sctrack attribute has been fixed. In previous version of lux.js the data-sctrack attribute only took priority on the element that was interacted with. It now takes priority even when it has been set on an ancestor element. See the data-sctrack documentation for more information.


  • Some legacy vendor-specific code has been removed: lux.js no longer uses chrome.loadTimes() or any performance.webkit* functions. Browsers that supported these vendor functions will now use polyfills or fallbacks.