Add URL pattern filtering to setHeader & addHeader script commands

14th September 2023 (UTC)

Add URL pattern filtering to setHeader & addHeader script commands

The requests that the setHeader and addHeader script commands apply to can now be restricted by adding a URL pattern to the command.

For example:|

setHeader x-header-name:value* adds the header to all requests to

setHeader x-header-name:value https://** adds the header to all requests to on SpeedCurve's subdomains e.g.,, etc.

setHeader x-header-name:value adds the header to just the request and not to any other pages, sub-resources, sub-domains etc.

Previously setHeader and addHeader relied on the Chrome DevTools Protocol Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders which adds the header to all requests in a test and this could lead to CORS issues.

If a urlpattern isn't specified then a default pattern of _://_/*' is used. This replicates the previous behaviour and applies the header to all requests.

In the future we may update this default to be the domain of the page being tested.

Resume when JS debugger; command is executed

Our agent connects to Chrome via DevTools Protocol.

When Chrome / V8 encounters a debugger;command in the page being tested it pauses the execution. Our agent wasn't handling this scenario and as a result some tests were failing.

Our agent now instructs Chrome to resume execution as soon as it encounters a debugger; statement so tests for any pages that contain it will no longer fail.